Sensei Wlodzimierz Kwiecinski held seminar for traditional karate practitioners from Switzerland on 8-9 November 2003 in Davos. Mr. Kwiecinski was invited for the seminar by Wolfgang Eisenhöfer – President of Verband fur Traditionelles Karate in der Schweiz VTKS.
Training sessions were concentrated around traditional karate basic principles and ideas. In the seminar there participated karate adepts from the whole Switzerland, including athletes from the national team of Switzerland.
Both federations – from Switzerland and Poland reached an agreement as regards next year ITKF world championships, which will be held in Davos. According to that agreement national team of Poland will leave for a camp on 26 April – 3 May 204 in Davos. Moreover our federation will support the host of the ITKF world championships, by providing computer competition programme.