The Traditional Karate Masters Course and The International Traditional Karate Conference, 14-15.12.2019, Warsaw, Poland
On December, 14, 2019, at the Sports and Recreation Centre in Warsaw took place the Traditional Karate Masters Course organized by Traditional Karate Federation of Poland.
The course was hosted by a special guest, pioneer of traditional karate in Poland – Wacław Antoniak (7 dan) and medalist of the European and World Championship, a coach of the polish national team – Krzysztof Neugebauer (6 dan). Andrzej Olech (6 dan), vice president of Traditional Karate Federation of Poland, was a coordiantor of the course.
Around 250 participants took part in the course.
On December, 15, 2019, in the residence of Polish Olimpic Commitee in Warsaw took place the International Traditional Karate Conference. The important part of this event was ceremonial summary of 2019 training year in Traditional Krate Federation of Poland.
In addition, on December 15, 2019, during the Medical Congress "Karate for Health" the project of World Health Karate Academy was presented. The Academy will operate as a part of the newly created World Traditional Karate-do Union, consociating togerther organizations such as: World Traditional Karate-do Federation, World Fudokan Federation, and World Budo Association.
The World Health Karate Academy will be working in area of training specialists, conducting scientific research, organizing conferences and congresses and publishing journal "Health and Karate".
On the same day there was a general assembly of World Traditional Karate-do Federation and founding assembly of the World Traditional Karate-do Union.
Among the invited guests in these events took part: prof. dr Ilja Jorga (the World Fudokan Federation), prof. dr Vladimir Jorga (European Traditional Karate Federation), dr Volodymyr Sawchenko (the World Traditional Karate-do Federation) and Mr Radoslav Janus (the World Budo Association).
See photos:
– The summary of training year in PZKT
– The signing the World Traditional Karate-do Union founding act