Sensei Nishiyama in Poland
On 27-31 May 2004 we hosted Sensei Hidetaka Nishiyama in Poland, who held the annual International Traditional Karate Seminar in Zamosc. In the course there participated 320 karate practitioners from Poland as well as from Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro. In Zamosc we also hosted Mr. Vladimir Jorga – President of European Traditional Karate Federation. The subject of the seminar was application of kata Ni-Jyu-Shi-Ho and Heian Nidan.
Sensei Nishiyama was also the honorary guest of second tournament of Traditional Karate League of Poland 2004, which was held on 29 May in Zamosc.
The seminar ended up with an exam for master grades. The results are as follows:
1. Rystis Bublevicius Lithuania 3 Dan
1. Ryszard Skwarski Poland 1 Dan
2. Piotr Kus Poland 1 Dan