Members of the national team of Poland in Los Angeles
On 31 January – 16 February 2004 Polish team directed by Wlodzimierz Kwiecinski participated in the Special Training Session held by Sensei Hidetaka Nishiyama in Central Dojo in Los Angeles (USA).
There went the following athletes and judges: Pawel Janusz, Krzysztof Neugebauer, Marta Niewczas, Andrzej Pisarczyk, Jozef Raczka and Witold Kwiecinski.
The training sessions were held both in Central Dojo by Hidetaka Nishiyama and in Traditional Karate Academy held by Avi Rokah. Teaching covered the technical aspects of traditional karate based on budo rules and their application in kata and kumite.
Members of the Polish team also had an appointment with the Consul General of Japan in Los Angeles – Mr. Joshio Nomoto.