International Traditional Karate Seminar Gasshuku 2003.
International Traditional Karate Seminar Gasshuku 2003
Final tournament of Traditional Karate League of Poland 2003
On 19-24 August 2003 in Hajnowka (Poland) the annual International Traditional Karate Seminar Gasshuku 2003 took place. There participated 214 traditional karate practitioners from Poland as well as abroad: Belarus, Czech Republic and Germany. Traditionally, training sessions were held by: Avi Rokah from Los Angeles – assistant of Sensei Hidetaka Nishiyama and Wlodzimierz Kwiecinski – coach of the national team of Poland, Chairman of Traditional Karate Federation of Poland. The seminar included medical sessions and lectures on law issues in karate.
Avi Rokah during his training sessions studied the following technical aspects:
1.Body conditions necessary to start karate practise.
2.Traditional karate techniques in kumite with empathizing the continuation of the action and ending blow.
Sensei Wlodzimierz Kwiecinski studied the following subjects:
1.Kata performance: Han-Getsu, Gojyu-Shi-Ho, Gojyu-Shi-Dai (outer form).
2.Presenting the original circumstances, in which separate forms of kata originated.
The hosting clubs prepared many attractions for participants of the seminar – sight-seeing trip and a party in the wild forest.
On 23 August 2003 the final match of Traditional Karate League of Poland 2003 was held. Among women the winner was MARTA NIEWCZAS. In men’s category the highest score got KRZYSZTOF NEUGEBAUER. Marta Niewczas was also awarded with a Cup for the Best Women’s Athlete of the League 2003 acknowledged by Mr. Andrzej Krasnicki – President of Polish Sport Confederation.