On behalf of Traditional Karate Federation of Poland we are pleased to announce that on 7 December 2002 in Lodz, Poland the first in history European Traditional Karate Cup under the auspices of the Mr. Leszek Miller – the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland took place.
During the European Cup 7 top European men’s and 7 top European women’s athletes competed against each other in Ki-tei and Kumite.
Sensei Hidetaka Nishiyama, Chairman of International Traditional Karate Federation and Mr. Vladimir Jorga, President of European Traditional Karate Federation honoured the tournament with their presence.
The European Cup achieved great sport and organisational success. Competitors of the European Cup, both men and women, demonstrated skills on a very high technical level following the real traditional karate spirit. For the first time did the European Cup introduce rivalry of women in such formula, which confirmed marvellous attitude and aptitude of women’s competitors. The efforts of all those athletes will be kept for further traditional karate generations.
The European Cup met with unusual interest of the audience, too. The rivalry of athletes was accompanied by marvellous atmosphere in the overcrowded sport hall.
The final results of the European Cup are as follows:
1. Marta Niewczas – Poland 20 points
2. Katarzyna Luczak – Poland 14 points
3. Evangelia Lagoudaki – Greece 9 points
4. Adina Andries – Romania 7 points
5. Tanja Sili – Yugoslavia 6 points
6. Jadranka Nedeva – Macedonia 3 points
7. Vira Kucherenko – Ukraine 3 points
1. Radoslaw Olczyk – Poland 15 points
2. Daniel Iwanek – Poland 13 points
3. Andrey Myrshavka – Ukraine 9 points
4. Dejan Nedev – Macedonia 9 points
5. Markus Baumgartner – Austria 8 points
6. Igor Miladinovic – Yugoslavia 6 points
7. Jan Hrbáèek – Czech Republic 0 points
Other information of the > European Traditional Karate Cup < .