Karate seminar in Moldova
On 18-21 November 2005 Sensei Wlodzimierz Kwiecinski hold seminar in the capital city of Moldova – Kishniev invited by Mr. Anton Ignat – President of National Federation Traditional Karate-Do of Moldova.
In the seminar there participated 130 people, including delegation from Russia conducted by Oleg Dimiriyev 4 Dan, who spent 2,5 day in the journey from far away city – Izevsk. For the seminar there also came a group of karatekas from Romania conducted by Kostiel Poliak 4 Dan.
During the seminar the following subjects have been practised:
Body dynamics
Kata Tekki Sho-Dan, Tekki Ni-Dan, Tekki San-Dan
Ko-Go Kumite
The seminar finished with farewell dinner in one of the best restaurants in Kishniev – “Эpmak”, in which participated: Mr. Viktor Ivanovich Cvirkun – Minister of Education, Sports and Youth with his wife, Mr. Edward Jaruszewski – Chairman of Moldovan Polonia with his wife, who is at the same time the Mayor of the District – City Center of Kishniev, as well as instructors of National Federation Traditional Karate-Do of Moldova.